Sewer Line Repair & Replacement

Sewer Line Repair & Replacement in Prattville & Millbrook, AL

One of the most frustrating problems to deal with as a homeowner is a sewage problem—a fact due not only to the awful mess and smell but also to the difficulty in pinpointing the cause of the problem. The good news is that there are tell-tale signs that you can look for and there are ways to prevent them from happening. The even better news is that you can call Caldwell Plumbing & Drain to take care of your home or business’s sewer issues. We have the expertise and equipment to locate the problem, make any necessary repairs, and help you get back to life as usual as fast as we possibly can.

Because of normal wear and tear, corrosion, bad clogs or even interference from tree roots, sewer line repair is one of the more common sewage problems that homeowners call about. If you think the sewer lines to your home may be damaged, here are some things you can look for as possible indicators:

Foul-smelling yard

Flooded yard

Gurgling sound from the toilet

Multiple clogged drains

Water damage in the house

Mold on the wall and/or floor


If you notice one or more of these indicators, call Caldwell Plumbing—fast! We will send an experienced plumber out to locate the problem and get it fixed for you as efficiently as possible. 

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